
The Momentum is Growing

Below you’ll see the statistics of people who have inquired with S2A Modular to either build a home, subdivision of homes, commercial building, apartment building or hotel, along with those interested in investing in S2A Modular. These stats run from the beginning of March 2020 and are updated weekly.

Thousands of customers and partners want to do business with, and invest in S2A Modular, are you ready?


Single Family



California 1747663307709
Florida 1443755927803
Texas 1175053826479
New York Tri-State 1148746005711
D.C. Metro Area 822828213821
Georgia 697927653925
North Carolina 556919932601
Washington 487815381659
Canada 477621632063
Illinois 393718152160
Colorado 393615921616
Arizona 373513591623
Michigan 361815751646
Pennsylvania 357014521853
Other-N/A 323413391954
Massachusetts 300411251238
Tennessee 296611191398
Ohio 279811241395
South Carolina 25128471195
Oregon 2433813839
Minnesota 2208749856
Missouri 1921854886
Nevada 1875676912
Wisconsin 1687635668
Alabama 1680658830